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What are the latest Innovations in InsurTech

The technological transformation has slowly and steadily paved its way into the Insurance sector and has started to disrupt it gradually. I have mentioned continuously some of the most astonishing technological innovations that involve AI and machine learning and other latest innovations. But, when we talk about InsurTech, then it is one of those sectors which got a bit delayed to see the light of technical advancement. Nevertheless, Insurtech is still witnessing an enormous number of innovations some of which are already in use while some of them are underway. Innovation in insurance is happening, and the next decade will see a transformation in how the entire industry operates.

Innovations in Insurance sector

Here are some of the most significant insurance innovations in InsurTech:

1. Drones

Drones are a quite popular unmanned aerial vehicle in the aviation industry. It is equipped with many technological benefits that caught the eye of Insurance companies about five years ago.  InsurTech companies started experimenting with Drones and found its application in claim adjustment, and large-scale surveying because of its small size and effortless manoeuvring.

Reasons why it is helpful for insurance companies:

    Roof damage inspections: Drones are useful for rooftop damage inspection which is touted to be one of the most dangerous and difficult inspections. In cases of fire accident or crazily high rooftops, the difficulty level is even more.  Rather than sending an army of men to inspect the notoriously dangerous roofs, an adjuster can use a drone equipped camera and take the pictures of the entire rooftop without actually visiting the location physically.

    Large spaces: Drones can also be used for inspecting extensively large areas like warehouses and farmlands.

    Integration with other technologies: The images that are taken by drones can be integrated with AI-based applications and other technologies to assess the damage and repair costs.

2. Smart Homes

Insurance companies have understood the importance of technological tools that not only safeguard the customers but also reduce the total number of claims. This thought has given rise to several partnerships between insurance companies and smart home technology companies.  For example, Insurance firm Allstate and farmers have developed applications for Amazon echo that helps to analyse the insurance coverage.

A well-connected home is a win-win for both the consumer as well as the insurers. Digital sensors around the house provide the resident with real-time alerts. So, damage can be minimised and sometimes eliminated resulting in insurers paying lower costs and customers having lesser premiums. Also, the smart homes allow greater data collection points that can be used to create the consumer profile based on his habits leading to an accurate underwriting and affordable coverage.

3. Quantum Computing

While AI has a significant influence on the Insurance industry it is still restricted by barriers posed by binary computing.  Quantum computing is the answer to those challenges, and it is changing the entire dynamics on how insurance companies carry out complex calculations. Insurtech companies are creating, and testing solutions around this approach and its effects will soon be visible.

4. Smart Contracts

A smart contract is an electronic document that is capable of executing itself based on a set of agreed pre-defined conditions and clauses. Non-adherence to any of the requirements results in penalties as in a traditional legal document. It is an intelligent way to create and process policies online with strangers without the involvement of a third party. Japanese insurance company Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Nichido together with NTT data has already started to test blockchain technology for defining policies for sea-based business exchanges.   

5. Telematics Insurance

Telematic insurance car products are similar to black boxes. A telematics device equipped with GPS, SIM, motion sensors and an analytic software is installed in a car to determine the driving patterns of the driver. The telematics box collects and processes all this data and send this to the insurance companies. With the help of this data, the insurance companies create tailored insurance plans for their insurants. This service prevents companies from using the “one size fit all” approach and help to create a more sophisticated and specific insurance plan.

The insurance sector is on its way of digital transformation and customers are also expecting the same from their insurance providers. IoT, wearables are some of the other innovations that are in the nascent stages of development, but soon we can expect them to become a major part of InsurTech innovations. 


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The Ultimate Playbook for Creating Loyal Customers

Forget transactions, think transformations. Great customer experience isn’t just about making a sale; it’s about leaving a lasting impression. You can turn one-time customers into loyal brand advocates by creating smooth interactions, building emotional connections, and exceeding expectations at every step.

Understanding the Customer Journey

The customer journey comprises several interconnected stages, each critical in shaping perceptions and fostering loyalty. Every interaction influences how customers perceive your brand, from initial awareness to post-purchase support. Here’s how we approach each stage:

1. Awareness and Discovery: This initial stage is where potential customers become aware of your brand and explore what you offer. It’s crucial to make a strong first impression highlighting your unique value proposition and addressing their needs right from the start. At MantraLabs, we leverage data-driven insights to optimize your brand presence and ensure it resonates effectively with your target audience.

2. Consideration and Evaluation: As customers delve deeper into their research, they compare your offerings against competitors. This stage demands clear, concise communication of your product or service benefits and differentiation points. Our team excels in creating compelling content and intuitive user interfaces that guide customers toward informed decisions.

3. Purchase Decision: The moment of purchase is pivotal. It’s not just about closing a sale but ensuring a frictionless transaction process that reinforces confidence in your brand. Our focus on user experience (UX) design ensures that every interaction—from browsing to checkout—is intuitive and enjoyable, driving conversion rates and reducing abandonment.

4. Post-Purchase Experience: Customer engagement doesn’t end at the point of sale; it extends into the post-purchase phase. Here, timely support, personalized follow-ups, and seamless onboarding processes are crucial. We implement strategies that delight customers post-purchase, fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat business.

Creating Value through Exceptional Experiences

At MantraLabs, we go beyond the conventional to deliver experiences that customers cherish:

  • Personalization: Tailoring interactions based on customer preferences and behaviors enhances relevance and engagement.
  • Seamless Integration: Ensuring consistency across all touchpoints—be it your website, app, or customer service—ensures a cohesive brand experience.
  • Emotional Connection: Positive emotions drive customer satisfaction and loyalty. We design experiences that evoke joy, trust, and a sense of belonging.

The Business Impact

Investing in enhancing customer journey stages isn’t just about goodwill; it’s a strategic move that yields tangible benefits:

  • Increased Revenue: Satisfied customers are more likely to spend more and return for future purchases.
  • Reduced Churn: By nurturing relationships and addressing pain points, we help minimize customer attrition.
  • Enhanced Reputation: Positive experiences translate into powerful word-of-mouth marketing, amplifying your brand’s reach and credibility.

The Power of Tangible Results

We don’t just talk about the importance of exceptional CX; we deliver transformative outcomes. Here are some compelling instances where we’ve made a significant impact in our domain:

  • Transforming Challenges into Triumphs:
    We collaborated with a leading insurance provider in Southeast Asia to completely overhaul their digital customer journey. The result? A 9x surge in digital engagement and customer satisfaction firmly establishes them as a frontrunner in their competitive landscape.
  • Applause for Innovation:
    Through meticulous user experience optimization, we enhanced the functionality and usability of a BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) app. This initiative not only boosted user ratings by 24% but also garnered acclaim for its intuitive design and seamless performance across diverse platforms.

Our Approach

Our approach blends creativity with data-driven insights:

  • Customer-Centricity: We immerse ourselves in your customers’ world, identifying pain points and opportunities for improvement.
  • Innovative Solutions: Our UX/UI experts craft intuitive interfaces that streamline interactions and enhance usability.
  • Continuous Optimization: Through rigorous testing and analytics, we refine strategies to ensure ongoing improvement and alignment with customer expectations.

Embracing a CX-Centric Future

In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, prioritizing customer experience isn’t just beneficial; it’s imperative for sustained growth and differentiation. At MantraLabs we are committed to helping businesses transform their customer interactions into memorable journeys that drive loyalty and maximize business potential.

Partner with us to elevate your CX strategy and unlock new avenues for growth. Together, let’s redefine what it means to deliver exceptional customer experiences in the digital age.


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