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Using ReactJS With NodeJS | Ideal Tech Stack For High-Performance Web App Development

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Are you looking to create a full-stack web project? Are you overpowered by the options available in the market? 

Agreed, details like structure and code for the frontend and backend are requisite, but once you choose a library, you can integrate it with a popular framework to work on the development part. 

Are you aware that Node.js and React JS are the two most adopted technologies for web app development? 

React is perfect for the frontend, and Node.js is optimal for the backend. However, if you fuse the two frameworks, the result will be a seamless web app. 

What is React JS? 

You can create user interfaces with the React JS library. Also, you can use reusable components to make code simple to read and maintain. The best part is that these components auto-update when you interact with them. 

With that, you can expect a seamless response that works across many devices. As a result, your application is swift and responsive. React JS should be your first choice if you want to fasten your enterprise app development process. 

With React JS – you can build scalable online apps. Plus, it can help you build the best apps with the framework, even if you don’t know intricate scripting language. 

What is Node.js? 

If you need to build server-side and networking apps, your bet should be on Node.js. Apart from its sizable library of programming modules, you can facilitate the integration of programming languages with API and other third-party libraries. According to the statistics, 42.73% of Web programmers are using Node.js framework, libraries, and IDEs for their complex web development projects. 

Ideally, it runs on Chrome JavaScript runtime. You can build data-intensive real-time apps with Node.js because of its lightweight and efficient I/O model feature. Additionally, you can minimize the development time as it works on multiple platforms. 

Do you know most companies demand scalable software solutions today? Node.js will fit the scalability part as it handles concurrent requests efficiently. Also, the framework features cross-platform compatibility with rapid code execution. 

Going further, let’s look at some reasons to use React JS with Node.js. 

  • You can use Node.js for sequent server connection i.e. if your app’s core is based on real-time data streaming. 
  • You can use React JS and Node.js if you need to handle many requests and maintain server load balance. 
  • Also, you can develop single-page applications in React and use Node.js to build lightweight models for asynchronous data loading through the callback function.
  • You can fuse Node.js and React capabilities to build responsive data-driven multi-device apps. Basically, you can scale up your website performance. 
  • By integrating both technologies – you can expect more ROI and save added effort on app development. 

If you use React JS with Node.js, it can streamline the web development process. 

Here are some applied examples of using React JS with Node.js: 

Do you need to use the frameworks for standard web apps? You can use React JS to render the page and Node.js to handle the requests for the app. Ideally, for a chat app – you can use React JS to render the chat interface and Node.js can handle user communication. 

Steps to merge React JS with Node.js as a backend: 

Firstly, contrive a Node.js project 

You can contrive a Node.js project using a Node package manager (NPM). With this, you can set up a project structure at once. 

Now, set up the server 

It is time to contrive an express.js server – a flexible node.js web app framework. Ideally, you can install it as a dependency. 

Now, contrive a basic express server in a file i.e server.js 

const express = require(‘express’);

const app = express();

const port = 5000; // You can choose any port

app.get(‘/’, (req, res) => {

 res.send(‘Hello from the Node.js backend!’);


app.listen(port, () => {

 console.log(`Server is running on port number ${port}`);


It is time to initiate the Node.js server with:

node server.js

After that, your Node.js backend will run on your chosen port. 

Quick steps to merge React JS with Node.js as a frontend: 

You can contrive a React app using Create React App – a tool that sets up React projects quickly. 

npx create-react-app my-react-app

Now, you can fetch data from the backend 

You can use the React components to fetch API and request HTTP to the Node.js backend.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from ‘react’;

function App() {

 const [data, setData] = useState([]);

 useEffect(() => {

   // Fetch data from the backend


     .then((response) => response.json())

     .then((data) => {



 }, []);

 return (


     <h1>Data from the Backend:</h1>


       {, index) => (

         <li key={index}>{item}</li>






export default App;

Now, connect to Node.js backend 

After the above step, you can connect to the Node.js backend by setting up a proxy in your package.json. 

“proxy”: “http://localhost:5000”

With this typical configuration – you can make backend requests without CORS issues. 

Finally, it is time to start your React development server 

cd my-react-app

npm start

As a last step, your React frontend is accessible at http://localhost:3000. In ideal case, you can fetch and display data from the Node.js backend.

Wrapping up

If you integrate React JS with Node.js, it can help you build present-day and scalable web applications. 

With React JS – you can arm the frontend user interfaces, and Node.js can arm serving data and business logic on the server side. 

Are you ready to contrive high-performance web apps with the two technologies? If scalability and flexibility are your foremost concerns, try using both frameworks for app development. 

About the Author: Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, Cloud & AWS savvy, co-founder, and Director of eSparkBiz Technologies. His 12+ years of experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on IoT and SaaS applications.


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When Data Meets the Heart: A Tale of Sentiments and Science

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Do you think technology will advance to a point where people rely on it for deeper emotional connections, perhaps even finding companionship? Just like in the movie Her, where a man falls for an AI, we all thought it was science fiction. But it seems we’re closer to that reality than we might have imagined. Now, it’s not just about crunching numbers. Technology is evolving every day, becoming so advanced that it’s learning to interpret human emotions and reactions. This is the core of sentiment analysis, where data meets emotions, and technology helps us make sense of human feelings in ways that were once only imaginable.

Is Data Science the Key to Unlocking Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment analysis is more than just gauging emotions in text; it’s a powerful application of data science that transforms chaotic data into actionable insights. Data science deciphers human feelings hidden in reviews, tweets, and comments, enabling AI to capture not just whether sentiments are positive or negative but also the nuances of emotional expression. With the ongoing evolution in data science, sentiment analysis is moving beyond basic detection to uncover deeper emotional insights, allowing businesses to truly understand their customer’s sentiments. This capability empowers organizations to anticipate customer behavior and make informed decisions in a data-driven world.

According to Forbes, 80% of the world’s data is unstructured, like blog posts, reviews, and customer feedback. Sentiment analysis helps companies make sense of this unorganized heap using data analytics, turning it into actionable insights. Tools like Python libraries for sentiment analysis and AI models help refine this process further, offering businesses more profound insights into customer behavior.

How Does Sentiment Analysis Work?

Imagine you’ve just posted a review online: “This phone has a great camera, but the battery life is terrible.” While a human can quickly spot that you love the camera but hate the battery, AI needs to go a step further by:

  1. Text Preprocessing: Breaking the sentence down into words (tokens), removing stop words (like “the” and “has”), and normalizing the text.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): This is where the AI engine learns the context of each word. It identifies if the sentiment is positive (great camera) or negative (terrible battery life).
  1. Machine Learning Models: These models classify the sentiment of the text. With more data science applications, the models become better at predicting human emotions.

Why Does Sentiment Analysis Matter?

In a world where emotions drive decisions, sentiment analysis helps businesses, governments, and even individuals make better decisions. Whether it’s reading reviews, understanding customer feedback, or gauging public opinion on social media, sentiment analysis tells us how people feel.

Beyond the Text: How Data Science Decodes Emotional Intelligence

What if Data science could detect more than just positive or negative feelings? What if it could understand sarcasm, context, and complex emotions like nostalgia or regret? The future of sentiment analysis is heading towards these intricate feelings, making it possible to “read between the lines”. With advancements in data science and machine learning, sentiment analysis is set to dive deeper into human emotions, potentially offering an unprecedented understanding of how we feel.

Real-World Applications

  • Customer Service: Have you ever left a review or complaint on a company’s Twitter? Chances are AI detected your dissatisfaction before a human even read it.
  • Healthcare: Doctors and mental health professionals are using sentiment analysis to detect early signs of depression or anxiety based on patient communication.
  • Politics: Predicting election outcomes? Analyzing public sentiment towards political candidates can be more accurate than traditional polls.

The Road Ahead: Can Data Science Fully Understand Us?

While today’s data science techniques are great at reading general sentiment from text, we’re not yet at the stage where machines can truly “understand” emotions. However, advancements in data science continue to refine how we interpret human sentiment. Techniques like sentiment mining and sentiment classifier are being used to recognize the subtle emotional cues. Perhaps one day, the power of data science will allow us to decode human emotions with such precision that it fundamentally changes the way we interact with data, bringing emotional insights into our daily lives.

Feeling curious? Explore how Mantra Labs is shaping the future with cutting-edge data science techniques and solutions that can read the world’s emotions—literally.


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