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LAMP/MEAN Stack: Business and Developer Perspective

Currently, there are more than 1.73 billion active websites in the world, according to Internet Live Stats. Every second a new website is being created. Creating a website seems simple, but launching a website that serves some specific business purpose is tricky. When business owners approach application/web developers, they encounter jargon like LAMP/MEAN, backend/frontend, DevOps, and many more. In such scenarios, a person not accustomed to web development will either go with his instincts or the developer’s instincts or maybe cost.

Growing number of websites.

To avoid such situations here is an easy-to-understand description of the LAMP stack and MEAN stack along with their best use and related FAQs.

What is LAMP Stack?

Lamp Stack is a bundle of web development software – Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. This is the foundational stack where MongoDB and Python can replace MySQL and PHP, respectively.There are four distinct layers under this architecture. Linux is the operating system and all other software applications run on top of this layer. Apache is the web server software responsible for connecting web browsers to the correct website. MySQL is the database to store, retrieve, and update data based on input queries. Finally, PHP is the web programming language. Websites and web applications run on this layer.

The Lamp Stack architecture

What is MEAN Stack?

The MEAN stack comprises MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js. It is an open-source javascript-based software stack useful for developing dynamic web applications. Here, JSON (Javascript Object Notation) storage has completely replaced the database layer. JSON is lightweight, easy to understand, and is widely used for storing and transporting data from server to web page. 

The components of MEAN Stack-

MongoDB is a NoSQL database system. It is a cross-platform, document-oriented database program. Express is a framework to build web applications in Node. AngularJS provides a framework for frontend development with features like two-way data binding. Node.js provides a server-side javascript execution environment. 

The MEAN Stack architecture

LAMP vs MEAN : Which is Better for Startups/Businesses?

LAMP has been in use for decades and many sophisticated applications are built using LAMP stack. MEAN is relatively new, but is considered as one of the best technology stacks for developing mobile applications. However, which one to select totally depends upon the type of web application you want to build. 

ScalabilityLAMP’s limiting factor is MySQL. During more requests, it creates a bottleneck. I.e. if there is high concurrency, MySQL fails to perform. MySQL works well when there’s a low write/read ratio. MEAN scales all the layers of frontend, backend, and database. MongoDB supports auto sharding and auto-failover. When the data on one node exceeds the threshold, MongoDB automatically rearranges the data to evenly distribute the data. 
PerformanceHorizontal scaling is not easy and high transaction loads (millions of read/write) seriously affect the performance.MongoDB is very fast, but it achieves its performance by trading off consistency (in clustered setups). Thus, MongoDB is great when you need speed and flexibility in your model and can accept minor (and relatively infrequent) data loss.
SecurityLAMP is a secure and stable platform. However, because of different client and server codebases, security is uncompromised in LAMP.MEAN is a secure and stable platform.
PrivacyLAMP applications are mostly native. Therefore, there are negligible privacy issues.Because of privacy concerns, many users disable javascript on their browser. This might break a MEAN application, since it is completely dependent on Javascript.
For example, apps like facebook cannot function properly if the user has disabled the javascript.
DevelopmentYou might require a full-stack developers team for developing an application on LAMP. For instance, you’ll need a javascript expert for frontend and PHP/Perl/Python expert for the backend. LAMP also features multiple layers of navigation with various configuration files and differing syntax.A team of javascript experts can develop end-to-end applications on MEAN.
CostLAMP might cost you more as it requires different specialists for frontend and backend development.Application development in MEAN is cheaper as you won’t need different specialists.However, the cost depends on the complexity of the project.

In short, LAMP is best for developing APIs, simple websites, and e-commerce sites. Whereas MEAN is most suitable for Tech-heavy startups, GUI focused Apps and developer teams who are proficient in javascript only.

LAMP/MEAN : What Developers Prefer?

For web applications, there are full-stack developers and MEAN stack developers. Developing an application in LAMP requires a team of developers knowing different frontend and backend technologies and/or full-stack developers. MEAN stack developers require expertise in javascript and because all other components of MEAN are compatible with JS, it is comparatively easier to develop web and mobile applications. 

Difficulty to learnLAMP or full-stack developers need to be familiar with all the layers of web development. MEAN developers require proficiency in programming techniques like javascript and HTML and knowledge of Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and AngularJS.
TeamsIt can be challenging to switch teams in LAMP. Using javascript for both frontend and backend development provides a homogenous workflow. Thus, teams can switch from frontend to backend development and vice versa easily.
PerformanceDeveloping native applications work well on older browsers and mobile devices.MEAN applications with javascript heavy frontend might not perform in the second-world countries, where internet speed and devices are not robust.
LibrariesLAMP’s library is more mature with a number of functions to make backend development easier. For example, the REST library.
UI-focused apps are easy to build in MEAN and are more intuitive. 
DatabaseYou might face scalability concerns with MySQL database.Although it is fast and capable of dealing with large databases, MongoDB is not the best platform for developing apps with complex transactions. 

Also read – 7 Ways to boost AngularJS applications!

Wrapping Up

MEAN stack mostly includes front end development components while LEAN stack comprises backend tools. You won’t find an operating system reference in MEAN, but, in fact, most MEAN applications are developed on Linux. Thus, we can say — LAMP refers to a more low-level development environment and MEAN to the high-level environment. 

It is also possible to modify the technology stacks in both LAMP and MEAN. For instance, you can use MongoDB or Cassandra with other components of LAMP. Some applications can have both stacks — LAMP for the API and MEAN for GUI. Moreover, both software stacks are compatible with the cloud. Therefore, depending on the project you can choose between the two.

We at Mantra Labs frequently encounter the client’s dilemma regarding the choice of LAMP/MEAN stack. Hopefully, this blog clarifies the myths and mysteries encircling these platforms.


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The Importance of User-Centered Design: Putting Users First

In today’s digital landscape, where users are bombarded with options, creating a product that stands out is more crucial than ever. A highly effective method for accomplishing this is user-centered design (UCD). This approach places the needs, preferences, and constraints of end-users at the forefront of every stage of the design process. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of user-centered design and its potential to create more successful products.

What is User-Centered Design?

User-centered design is a design philosophy that focuses on understanding the users for whom the product is being created. This involves engaging with users through research, prototyping, and testing to ensure that their feedback shapes the final outcome. The goal is to create products that are not only functional but also enjoyable and intuitive to use.

Why is User-Centered Design Important?

1. Enhances User Satisfaction

When users feel that a product has been designed with their needs in mind, their satisfaction increases. User-centered design helps create a seamless experience, reducing frustration and enhancing overall enjoyment. Satisfied users are more inclined to become loyal customers and champions of your brand.

2. Improves Usability

UCD focuses on usability, ensuring that products are easy to navigate and interact with. By involving users in the design process, designers can identify potential pain points and areas for improvement. This leads to more intuitive interfaces and features, which ultimately enhance the overall user experience.

3. Reduces Development Costs

Investing in user research and testing early in the design process can save significant costs in the long run. Identifying issues and areas for improvement before launching a product minimizes the risk of costly redesigns and fixes after the fact. By prioritizing user feedback, teams can create more effective solutions from the start.

4. Encourages Innovation

Understanding users deeply can spark innovative ideas and solutions. When designers empathize with users, they are more likely to uncover unmet needs and creative ways to address them. This can lead to groundbreaking features that set a product apart from competitors.

5. Fosters Collaboration

A user-centered approach encourages collaboration among team members, stakeholders, and users. By bringing diverse perspectives together, teams can create more holistic and effective solutions. This collaborative spirit fosters a culture of empathy and understanding, which is essential for successful design.

How to Implement User-Centered Design

1. Conduct User Research

Start by gathering data on your target audience. Use surveys, interviews, and observational studies to understand their behaviors, preferences, and pain points. This foundational research is crucial for informing your design decisions.

2. Create Personas

Create user personas that reflect the different segments of your target audience. These personas should encapsulate user goals, motivations, and challenges. They serve as reference points throughout the design process, helping to keep the focus on user needs.

3. Prototype and Test

Create low-fidelity prototypes to visualize your ideas. Involve real users in testing these prototypes to gather feedback. Iteratively refine your designs based on user input to ensure that the final product resonates with your audience.

4. Implement Feedback Loops

Establish mechanisms for ongoing user feedback, even after launch. Regularly update your product based on user insights to keep it relevant and effective. This ensures that your design evolves in line with user needs over time.

5. Measure Success

Use metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your user-centered design efforts. Track user engagement, satisfaction, and retention rates to determine whether your design choices are yielding positive results.


User-centered design is more than just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental approach that can drive the success of your products. By prioritizing the needs and experiences of users, you can create solutions that are not only functional but also enjoyable. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, adopting a user-centered mindset will be essential for businesses seeking to thrive in a competitive environment. Remember, when you put users first, everyone wins.


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