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Cutting Through API Complexity: A Guide to GraphQL

Have you ever felt frustrated fetching data from an API and ending up with a bunch of information you don’t need? Enter GraphQL, a game-changer in the world of server-side APIs! This blog post takes you on a journey to understand GraphQL, from its core concepts to practical development steps.

What is GraphQL?

Imagine an API that caters to your specific needs. With GraphQL, that’s exactly what you get! It’s a querying language specifically designed for server-side applications. There will be a single API endpoint. Users can request the required details and the system will send a response as per the requests with a precise answer.

The Building Blocks of GraphQL:

Everything in GraphQL revolves around three key concepts: Schema, Queries, and Mutations. 

Schema: Think of the schema as the blueprint for your data. It defines the main structure of the data that can be queried or modified, ensuring consistency and clarity for developers. The schema structure is created using fields and types.

Queries: These are used to fetch the data from the GraphQL API. You define the specific data you need in a structured format, and GraphQL gets it for you efficiently. This is a similar use case like a “GET” request in RESTful APIs.

Mutations: Need to insert, update, or delete data? Mutations are your answer. They are used to modify (Insert, Update, Delete) the data in the GraphQL API. This is a similar use case like “POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE” requests in RESTful APIs.

Understanding the GraphQL API Architecture:

Architecture plays a crucial role in achieving efficiency. But what exactly goes on behind the scenes? Let’s break it down!

The above diagram represents the 3-tier architecture diagram of GraphQL. Here’s what’s happening: 

  • Clients send the requests with only the required parameters in the query string using JSON format 
  • GraphQL server handles the requests with appropriate actions and interaction with the data layer, 
  • After that send back the responses with only requested data as payload JSON to the Clients for further process.

The Role of GraphiQL IDE: 

GraphiQL is a graphical interface specifically designed for GraphQL. It allows you to build, test, and debug your queries and mutations in a user-friendly environment. 

Benefits of GraphQL:

  • Precision is key: Getting exactly what we need is the primary goal for GraphQL. It delivers only the data your application needs for faster performance.
  • One request, many answers: Get multiple distinct details in a single request instead of sending multiple requests.  
  • Structure for clarity: Structured type referencing request and response detail, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain the API.
  • Future-proof flexibility:  Updates to the API become a breeze with GraphQL. You can introduce new features without depending on version control management, ensuring smooth operation. 
  • No More Data Juggling: Easily combine multiple data sources in a single endpoint.

REST vs GraphQL:

REST vs GraphQL:

In a traditional REST API, you might need to use multiple endpoints for different requests. 

With GraphQL, a single request with a well-defined structure retrieves all the data in one go, saving time and resources.

How to get started with GraphQL?

If you are considering the technology and framework to build a web application using GraphQL, you can choose Express.js.

Development Flow Diagram in Express:
Development Flow Diagram in Express:

The above diagram shows the flows that give you an overall idea to develop a project using GraphQL. If you are a beginner, please check the following link

Server-Side Application:

  • Include two npm packages (graphql-http and graphql) to start with GraphQL.
  • Build the folder structure to start the development to define the GraphQL schema.
  • Create the base folders in the following manner “/src/schema”.
  • The concept is to build module-wise schema, so it’s better to create individual folders for each module (i.e. User, Product, Order, Payment, etc.).
  • Each module folder should have 3 files (index.js, typedefs.js, and resolvers.js).
  • Use the ‘index.js’ to combine the integrations of ‘typedefs.js’ and ‘resolvers.js’ to make it centralized for that particular module.
  • Use ‘typedefs.js’ to define the structure of queries and mutations for that particular module.
  • Use ‘resolvers.js’ to build the logic to manipulate queries and mutations for that particular module.
  • Run the project
  • Test and debug the integrated API using GraphiQL IDE

Client-Side Application:

Once your server-side is set up, it’s time to connect your application:

  • From the client-side application, Call API from a single endpoint (/graphql) and send the query string within the ‘data’ parameter as a request to get the response for that specified query string.
  • Get the response as JSON payload and process it for further execution.


GraphQL is a powerful tool that simplifies API development. By offering a more efficient and flexible approach to data retrieval, it empowers developers to build cleaner, faster, and future-proof applications.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your journey, GraphQL is worth exploring. Its clear structure, streamlined data fetching, and ever-growing community make it a valuable asset for your development toolbox.

Additional Resources:

Folder Structure and Integration Reference: you can check the following link.

Video Reference on Integrations, you can check the following link.

About the Author:

Sudipta Mal is a Technical Architect at Mantra Labs. His passion goes beyond his technical expertise; he’s also fascinated by experimenting with new technologies, which further fuels his creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Further Readings: Beego is Backend Developers’ Fav for 2024; but why?


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The Ultimate Playbook for Creating Loyal Customers

Forget transactions, think transformations. Great customer experience isn’t just about making a sale; it’s about leaving a lasting impression. You can turn one-time customers into loyal brand advocates by creating smooth interactions, building emotional connections, and exceeding expectations at every step.

Understanding the Customer Journey

The customer journey comprises several interconnected stages, each critical in shaping perceptions and fostering loyalty. Every interaction influences how customers perceive your brand, from initial awareness to post-purchase support. Here’s how we approach each stage:

1. Awareness and Discovery: This initial stage is where potential customers become aware of your brand and explore what you offer. It’s crucial to make a strong first impression highlighting your unique value proposition and addressing their needs right from the start. At MantraLabs, we leverage data-driven insights to optimize your brand presence and ensure it resonates effectively with your target audience.

2. Consideration and Evaluation: As customers delve deeper into their research, they compare your offerings against competitors. This stage demands clear, concise communication of your product or service benefits and differentiation points. Our team excels in creating compelling content and intuitive user interfaces that guide customers toward informed decisions.

3. Purchase Decision: The moment of purchase is pivotal. It’s not just about closing a sale but ensuring a frictionless transaction process that reinforces confidence in your brand. Our focus on user experience (UX) design ensures that every interaction—from browsing to checkout—is intuitive and enjoyable, driving conversion rates and reducing abandonment.

4. Post-Purchase Experience: Customer engagement doesn’t end at the point of sale; it extends into the post-purchase phase. Here, timely support, personalized follow-ups, and seamless onboarding processes are crucial. We implement strategies that delight customers post-purchase, fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat business.

Creating Value through Exceptional Experiences

At MantraLabs, we go beyond the conventional to deliver experiences that customers cherish:

  • Personalization: Tailoring interactions based on customer preferences and behaviors enhances relevance and engagement.
  • Seamless Integration: Ensuring consistency across all touchpoints—be it your website, app, or customer service—ensures a cohesive brand experience.
  • Emotional Connection: Positive emotions drive customer satisfaction and loyalty. We design experiences that evoke joy, trust, and a sense of belonging.

The Business Impact

Investing in enhancing customer journey stages isn’t just about goodwill; it’s a strategic move that yields tangible benefits:

  • Increased Revenue: Satisfied customers are more likely to spend more and return for future purchases.
  • Reduced Churn: By nurturing relationships and addressing pain points, we help minimize customer attrition.
  • Enhanced Reputation: Positive experiences translate into powerful word-of-mouth marketing, amplifying your brand’s reach and credibility.

The Power of Tangible Results

We don’t just talk about the importance of exceptional CX; we deliver transformative outcomes. Here are some compelling instances where we’ve made a significant impact in our domain:

  • Transforming Challenges into Triumphs:
    We collaborated with a leading insurance provider in Southeast Asia to completely overhaul their digital customer journey. The result? A 9x surge in digital engagement and customer satisfaction firmly establishes them as a frontrunner in their competitive landscape.
  • Applause for Innovation:
    Through meticulous user experience optimization, we enhanced the functionality and usability of a BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) app. This initiative not only boosted user ratings by 24% but also garnered acclaim for its intuitive design and seamless performance across diverse platforms.

Our Approach

Our approach blends creativity with data-driven insights:

  • Customer-Centricity: We immerse ourselves in your customers’ world, identifying pain points and opportunities for improvement.
  • Innovative Solutions: Our UX/UI experts craft intuitive interfaces that streamline interactions and enhance usability.
  • Continuous Optimization: Through rigorous testing and analytics, we refine strategies to ensure ongoing improvement and alignment with customer expectations.

Embracing a CX-Centric Future

In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, prioritizing customer experience isn’t just beneficial; it’s imperative for sustained growth and differentiation. At MantraLabs we are committed to helping businesses transform their customer interactions into memorable journeys that drive loyalty and maximize business potential.

Partner with us to elevate your CX strategy and unlock new avenues for growth. Together, let’s redefine what it means to deliver exceptional customer experiences in the digital age.


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