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Bridging the Gap between Social Enterprises and Social Impact Investors


Recently, I got the opportunity to participate in Bangalore CSR Roundtable hosted by Brillio & Equal Innovation in partnership with India CSR on May 3rd 2017.

Some key points from this event I want to share with you all. Before that let me put some light on what is Social Entrepreneurs and Enterprises (SEE) and how this is related to this event.

Social Entrepreneurs and Enterprises (SEE)

It is an initiative of IITK AA, organised and now carried forward in association with IITKGP AA and supported by PAN IIT, IIMA, PAN IIM and ACB.

SEE started as an event and the first SEE focused primarily on awareness and scaling models for Successful Social enterprises. It had speakers and participants from all sectors. During the first edition of SEE one message came out very clearly that there is an increasing gap between social enterprises (not-for-profit or for-profit) and CSR funds/investors.

Second edition of SEE focused on Healthcare and Education. This edition also looked at setting up the framework so that Alumni from IIT’s can effectively engage and contribute to the critical sector.

It brought various social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, thinkers and enthusiasts under one roof. The event allowed great interactive sessions where on one hand the participants got inspired by conviction-led work by speakers and on the other hand various corporate discussed the challenges and their insights. Mr. Paritosh Segal, Co-Founder Sahyog Foundation, led the curation for the event.

After intensive research on challenges faced by social enterprises and impact investors, a framework was launched during the event by Mr. Pradeep Bhargava, President, IITK AA & IITK AA BLR.  Core objectives of the framework is to identify sectors that may be relevant and that may produce visible outcome, list the key impact areas and the key measures, understand and share the feasibility and impact data, build the stakeholders connect as part of SEE ecosystem which comprises financial institutions, CSR, Angel investors, VC’s, mentors, incubation with IIT and partners and entrepreneurs in the impact space.

We discussed on various aspects of CSR funding and pain-points of corporates as well as social enterprises. It was very enthralling for me to know that all these common problems faced by both entities can be resolved through SEE platform.

I would like to highlight a few key challenges and would like to emphasise on the role of SEE framework in resolving these issues:

Lack of trust between corporates and social enterprise world:

It was evident that corporates are willing to release CSR funds for social enterprises, but whom to trust for measurable impact has become a challenge for them. I strongly believe that SEE body can recognise and validate shortlisted social enterprises who genuinely have good model and thus help them sustain and scale. Corporates can have concurrence and decide where to invest.

Impact assessment of social enterprises by corporates:

Second evident challenge for all corporates is to measure the impact created by the social enterprise. One of the solution which was proposed is to have a set template by corporates where social enterprise can fill their outcomes. But the problem with such template is that there are several different enterprises all cannot be measured with the same template. SEE framework can play a crucial role in impact assessment by providing customised template.

Industry standard reporting by social enterprises:

Another point which was brought into discussion was reporting structure and the quality of report. Corporates feel that there is a need for social enterprises to improve on reporting but the fact that social enterprises many a times are not trained to publish their reports in a professional way. It becomes really challenging for corporates to go through the document and validate the report. We at SEE aim to create a pool of identified experts in different domains with social sector background as mentors. These mentors shall bring guidance to social enterprises and shall organize hands-on training sessions on impact measurement, impact assessment and impact reporting. This shall have positive outcome by reducing frustrations for both corporates and social enterprises.

Identifying the key focus area of corporates by social enterprises:

One of the biggest challenge which almost all social enterprises face invariably is to find out the corporates who have same focus area as their own. I recently faced a problem in identifying a CSR who invest in healthcare area. There is no common platform where corporates list their focus areas and social enterprises list their work.

Participation as SEE evangelist

SEE platform has planned to create a database on SEE website for all participants. This is going to ease the very first step of corporate and social enterprise to find the best match.

Social Enterprises

All these and many more benefits can be obtained by signing up for SEE Framework. SEE as a part of Alumni framework is not chargeable. Please register to be part of the SEE ecosystem and all benefits.

Investment community and CSR support from Corporates

They can leverage the curated social enterprises. Investors and CSR teams may share the success stories, the impact areas of their interest and the measures they use in identifying the right enterprise to support.

Accelerators, Incubators, and Mentors ( AIM)

AIM participants work together with the SEE team to ensure high probability of success for the individual enterprise but also contribute to ensure a higher percentage of successful SE. Commercial engagements are also possible after the initial success is registered.

Look forward to you all being part of SEE





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Data Sharing: The Healthcare Superpower You Didn’t Know Was Needed

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Imagine a world where doctors can instantly access a patient’s entire medical history, from birth to the present, with just a few clicks. A world where researchers can rapidly analyze vast digital health records to discover groundbreaking new treatments. This seamless access to information isn’t just a dream—it’s the potential reality of effective data sharing in healthcare.

By breaking down the barriers that currently isolate crucial healthcare data, we can transform patient care, streamline operations, and accelerate medical advancements. The future of healthcare lies in the power of connected information, ensuring that every decision made is informed, accurate, and timely.

Barriers that are hindering Data Sharing in Healthcare

1. Data Silos: Healthcare providers often store patient information in isolated systems that do not communicate with each other. This fragmentation leads to a lack of coordination, duplicated tests, and gaps in patient care.

2. Interoperability Issues: Different healthcare organizations use various electronic health record (EHR) systems like Epic electronic health record, charm electronic health records and Cerner electronic health record, which are not always compatible. This lack of standardization makes it difficult to share data seamlessly across platforms.

3. Privacy and Security Concerns: The healthcare industry handles sensitive patient information. The risk of data breaches and unauthorized access creates reluctance among institutions to share data freely.

4. Regulatory and Compliance Barriers: Strict regulations like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) in the US and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in Europe mandate stringent data protection measures. While these regulations are essential for protecting patient privacy, they can also hinder data sharing.

5. Resistance to Change: The healthcare industry can be slow to adopt new technologies, and some providers may be resistant to changing their workflows to incorporate healthcare data analyst insights and data-sharing solutions data-sharing solutions.

Technological Innovations Transforming Data Sharing in Healthcare

By employing innovative tools and strategies, the industry can close the gap between isolated data systems and foster a more connected, efficient, and secure environment for patient care. Here’s a look at the key technological techniques making this possible:

  1. Interoperability Standards: Technologies like Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) and Health Level 7 (HL7) are setting the foundation for seamless data exchange between different healthcare systems. These standards ensure that patient information can be shared across platforms without compatibility issues, eliminating data silos and enabling better coordination of care.
  2. Blockchain Technology:  According to a Deloitte report, 55% of healthcare executives consider blockchain a top-five strategic priority for enhancing data integrity and security.Blockchain offers a decentralized, secure way to store and share electronic health records. Its tamper-proof nature ensures that data remains unaltered and trustworthy, which significantly boosts confidence among healthcare providers when sharing sensitive information. This technology is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of health records. 
  3. Cloud Computing: Cloud-based platforms allow healthcare providers to store and access health records remotely, ensuring that patient information is available to authorized users at any time, from anywhere. This flexibility improves collaboration between different healthcare entities and helps streamline patient care, especially in multi-location healthcare systems.
  4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: AI-driven tools are revolutionizing the way healthcare data is processed and shared. These technologies can standardize vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and enable predictive analytics. By automating data sharing and analysis, AI and machine learning reduce the burden on healthcare providers and improve decision-making processes.
  5. Telemedicine and Internet of Things (IoT): The rise of telemedicine and IoT devices has expanded the sources of digital health records. Wearable devices, remote monitoring systems, and telehealth platforms generate valuable patient information that can be shared in real-time with healthcare providers. This continuous flow of data allows for timely interventions and personalized care, bridging the gap between patients and providers.
  6. Health Information Exchanges (HIEs): HIEs facilitate the secure sharing of patient information among different healthcare providers. By connecting various systems, HIEs ensure that patient data is accessible where and when it’s needed, enhancing continuity of care across different providers and locations.
  7. Data Encryption and Anonymization: To address privacy concerns, data encryption and anonymization techniques are used to protect sensitive patient information. These methods ensure that data can be shared securely without compromising patient privacy, balancing the need for data access with stringent privacy regulations.
  8. Standardization of Data Formats: The adoption of standardized data formats, such as FHIR, allows for consistent and seamless data exchange across different platforms. This standardization reduces interoperability issues and ensures that healthcare providers can access and utilize patient data more efficiently.
  9. Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaboration between healthcare providers, technology companies, and regulatory bodies is crucial for overcoming data-sharing challenges. Initiatives like the CommonWell Health Alliance and the Sequoia Project are creating nationwide networks for data sharing, demonstrating the power of partnerships in advancing healthcare technology.
  10. Patient-Centered Approaches: Empowering patients to take control of their own health data is another technique used to bridge the gap. Through patient portals and apps, individuals can access their health records and share them with healthcare providers as needed. This not only improves patient engagement but also ensures that providers have the information they need to deliver optimal care.

Conclusion: The Path Forward

Bridging the data-sharing gap in healthcare is essential for improving patient outcomes, enhancing public health, and advancing medical research. While significant challenges remain, the combination of technological innovations and collaborative efforts is paving the way for a more integrated and efficient healthcare system.

As we continue to adopt and refine these technological techniques with the vision of a fully connected healthcare ecosystem, where data flows freely and securely between stakeholders and becomes increasingly attainable. By embracing these innovations and fostering partnerships, we are setting the stage for a future where healthcare is not only more accessible and personalized but also more proactive in addressing the complex challenges of tomorrow. The path forward is clear: by closing the data-sharing gap, we can unlock the full potential of healthcare and ensure better outcomes for all.


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